Speaker Information

The South African Academy of Forensic Sciences (SAAFS), in conjunction with the University of Pretoria, is in the process of planning for its inaugural conference on the 5th and 6th of July 2024.

The overall theme of the event is “STRONGER TOGETHER: Strength in Diversity” and it seeks to draw a diverse audience of forensic scientists, academics, and jurists, as well as prospective students and other interested professionals in the field.

The conference will be held as an in-person event on the 5th and 6th of July 2024, at the Tswelopele Hall on the Prinshof Campus at the University of Pretoria. It will extend over two days with the first day consisting of  various 15 or 20 minute sessions, with relevant forensic science topics. Additionally, on day one, there will also be sessions on relevant case studies and/or research in forensic science. The second day of the conference will be dedicated to talks with scholars and students by various forensic scientists.

If you want to participate as a speaker/presenter in our upcoming conference, please contact us via the contact below:

5 + 9 =

Presentation Formats

The SAAFS Conference 2024 program allows for the following presentation formats. 

  • Topic presentations: 15/20 minute powerpoint presentations on themed topics, as per the program. You have ample latitude in developing your presentation title and content, as long as it remains within the session theme provided.
  • Case presentations: 15 minute powerpoint presentations on relevant forensic scientific cases. You have ample latitude in developing your presentation title and content, as long as it remains within the session theme provided.
  • Research presentations: 15 minute powerpoint presentations on relevant forensic science research or research projects (published or in pre-publishing stage). You have ample latitude in developing your presentation title and content, as long as it remains within the session theme provided.
  • Institutional promotional talks: 10 minute talks by representatives from forensic science programs of tertiary instituions, to promote their forensic science program to scholars and students. It may include any promotional material or graphics (including PPT presentations), as long as the information provided is limited to your forensic science program
  • Forensic science field promotional talks: 10 minute talks by representatives of the different forensic science field represented in SAAFS, to promote the different forensic science fields to scholars and students. It may include any material or graphics (including PPT presentations). 

Program Information

The conference program is devided into two days with sessions, and presentation slots.

The theme for the sessions and each presentation slot is set according to the program. Please see the program below.

Sessions also have different presentation formats, with forensic science topics, case studies, research, or promotional content. Sessions will also have fixed time-slots of 10, 15, or 20 minutes.

Day 1 Session 1

Four 15 minute time-slots for themed topic presentations and panel discussion after.

Day 1 Session 2

Four 15 minute time-slots for case study or research presentations and panel discussion after.

Day 1 Session 3

Five 20 minute time-slots for themed topic presentations and panel discussion after.

Day 2 Session 1

Four 10 minute time-slots for forensic science tertiary institution promotional presentations.

Seven 10minute time-slot for themed forensic science field promotional presentations.

Day 2 Session 2

Tour of the Anthropology Research Centre.